Cloud-based tech giants like Amazon, Google and Uber are changing the economy, and not for the better, asserts Yanis Varoufakis, a former finance minister of Greece and a professor at the University of Athens, who has written a book about the dangers of what he calls the "cloudalists."
In today's dynamic industry landscape, financial institutions must shift toward a culture of innovation in a bid for new sources of revenue and growth. The traditional, tried-and-true business models are showing cracks. Understanding what can propel innovation initiatives can significantly improve overall performance.
These accidental managers, while usually well-meaning, can lack the skills and experience necessary to effectively lead their teams. This is dubbed the "leadership gap".
Only a third of Americans are financially healthy, according to Tescher, who founded the Financial Health Network 20 years ago. But while some financial technology innovations are helping, others are more questionable.
Ongoing changes in the regulatory, competitive, and economic landscape are driving many to review their credit card program strategy and evaluate whether to invest in growing an internal program or exploring an outsourced solution.
Ongoing changes in the regulatory, competitive, and economic landscape are driving many to review their credit card program strategy and evaluate whether to invest in growing an internal program or exploring an outsourced solution.