8 takeaways from Digital Banking 2018
That question set the tone for this year's Digital Banking conference in Austin, Texas, as industry leaders sought to highlight and debate the issues underlying the innovation that is expected to transform banking over the next decade.
Artificial intelligence was at the forefront of the discussion, as speakers such as Bank of America's Cathy Bessant, pictured above with American Banker's Penny Crosman, stressed that AI will soon drive all interactions with customers and will force banks to retrain and hire employees with new skills.
There was broad discussion, too, about the industry's shift to a primarily mobile-banking environment and how a mobile-first approach demands that banks continue to re-imagine how they serve customers while remaining keenly aware of competition they are facing from technology firms.
Attendees noted that many topics of discussion at the conference were more philosophical in nature than in previous years, partly because the industry has evolved from focusing on creating and selling products to solving problems and improving the customer experience.
Indeed, some of the examples of success highlighted at the conference, such as the payments apps from Venmo and Starbucks, were developed not as products, but as solutions to unaddressed needs.
A presentation by Dominic Venturo, the chief innovation officer at U.S. Bancorp, galvanized thought around the idea that the mobile devices consumers are using today to conduct everyday banking transactions could be irrelevant tomorrow. That means app developers need be thinking beyond what works on an iPhone or iPad to how banking will be done in a world where every device in a home is connected.
Here is a look at the major themes of the conference.

Use artificial intelligence, but don't let it use you
She was concerned that financial institutions have not had a deeper discussion about the use of that and other emerging technologies, which are poised to eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs in banking alone.
“It’s not about what can AI do, but what should AI do,” Bessant told the audience. “We need to find the balance between how we use AI and how it uses us.”
One prediction shared at the conference is that automated personal financial advice will hit a milestone by 2025, by which point consumers will more likely be getting their advice from an AI-enabled smart devices than human financial advisers.

To the biggest banks go the deposits...
The four biggest banks control roughly 37% of all the country's total deposits, according to American Banker research presented at the conference.
The leader is JPMorgan Chase, with over $1.31 trillion in deposits, or roughly 11% of total U.S. deposits. The trend broadens among the top 20 U.S. banks, which collectively controlled 22% total U.S. deposits a decade ago and now control 67%.
Consolidation is the biggest reason so much of the deposit market is concentrated in so few hands, but technology is also playing a significant role. The biggest banks in particular are spending heavily on customer-facing technology, and that is giving them
Recent research underscores this emerging divide between big and

...But beware the challenge from nonbanks
Banks, he said, need to develop digital and mobile-first experiences, as those relying on branches alone will likely lose out to such competitors. Challengers could emerge from tech firms already involved in payments, such as Apple or China's Alibaba Group, but the field is open to disruption from others too.
Nat Cartwright, co-founder of Finn.ai, gave the audience another statistic to consider: 73% of consumers ages 18 to 34 would try banking with a technology firm, according to a survey by Bain & Co.

Starbucks: A model for success in payments
More than 40% of the 55 million U.S. smartphone users will have made an in-store mobile payment through the Starbucks app, and just over 23 million consumers over the age of 14 will use the app to make a point-of-sale purchase at least once every six months, according to research firm
David Schiff, a principal at PwC who focuses on digital transformation, said that banks can draw one big lesson from the coffee giant's successful foray into payments.
“Starbucks wasn’t doing it to become a payments player, it was because payments were an impediment to providing a service,” Schiff said. “They were trying to get the friction out of that. It is a lesson and a threat to banks. How do they enter contextual commerce without becoming an added step?”
One of the most popular payments apps today was not conceived as a banking product, but rather as a social relationship tool. Venmo co-founder Iqram Magdon-Ismail told the audience that the app was born out of a desire to make borrowing money between friends less awkward.

Beyond the device: The internet of everywhere
He envisioned a landscape where not only smart homes and
In such an environment, a bank will need to be able to serve customers in very personal and contextualized ways. That future will sneak up on the unprepared bank, he warned. “Over the last 10 years, we’ve seen that new technology continues to take off faster than what came before it," he said.

Commercial clients yearn for digital services
Many still deal with the hassle of paperwork and manual, inefficient processes, and are yearning for greater digital services from their banks, several speakers noted.
But some banks

Diversity will matter more than ever
It will also demand a more diverse workforce to root out inherent development biases in software.

Keep that human connection
Rilla Delorier, executive vice president and chief strategy officer for Umpqua Holdings in Portland, Ore., noted the difference between how consumers think about banking and money. Banking is transactional, she said, whereas money matters are personal.
But banks should also be aware about customer perception. According to a survey presented by IBM, 65% of banks think they provide excellent service, but only 35% of their clients think so.