The lender has been struggling with a series of scandals that have sent its shares to near-record lows, and may face a second criminal indictment in an unrelated case later this year.
June 27 -
This year’s stress-test results show large banks have more than enough capital to deal with a major economic crisis, but their capital requirements will likely go up anyway. That has some observers and industry officials concerned credit will tighten even as the economy teeters on the edge of recession.
June 26 -
Despite a more rigorous hypothetical stress scenario than last year, each of the 33 banks examined retained far more than their minimum capital requirements in this year’s stress-test results.
June 23 -
The Community Reinvestment Act has failed to reduce anti-Black racial discrimination in financial services, to lower poverty or to lessen environmental destruction.
June 22 -
U.S. banking giants are poised to return $80 billion to shareholders after this year’s Federal Reserve stress tests, less than last year’s elevated level that followed a pandemic-driven buyback pause.
June 21 -
The deal advances Plaid’s standing as an aggregator of Canadian consumers’ banking data as the country weighs regulations of such activity.
June 16 -
The agency recently updated a policy document to include technological innovation as a top priority and said it was considering creating a safe harbor for those who develop new products to fight financial crimes.
May 26 -
The central bank has a long history of diluting the effectiveness of the Community Reinvestment Act.
May 18 -
A bipartisan group of senators Tuesday urged the Treasury Department and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network to speed up implementation of the Corporate Transparency Act. It's only the latest of several efforts by lawmakers urging regulators to move faster since Fincen missed the statutory implementation deadline in January.
May 10 -
Angela Garcia, who was accused of embezzling $69,000 from the Georgia bank, has been banned from the banking industry.
May 5