You’ll have no doubt used one of the multitude of ways to pay without cash.
First came the credit cards. Then the contactless cards. Now the rise of payment apps means you needn't even bother bring your wallet to grab a coffee in the morning.
But the rise of a cashless, payment app based society is rarely questioned. It’s easier right? It means you don't waste change or lose that $20 note down the back of the sofa. Sure.

This is certainly true, it is simpler and easier and more effective. But there is a broader and potentially more harmful force at play. Until now, the “unbanked” have relied heavily on cash. But could the introduction of a cashless society grow these individuals into a new underclass?
Cashless societies have been a figment of the imagination for decades. Since the first introduction of cards, people thought of a day cash would become redundant. But with the rise of applications that make payment instant and easy one begins to see the new cashless world come into view.
Many apps like
But this could be the future. With the widespread use of payment apps, and banking organisations like Visa now offering to pay establishments to only accept card, we could be looking at a new global trend.
The question
Jeremy Light, the head of payment services at Accenture, notes in a City AM article, “This means that as we manage the transition to cashless ways of doing business and living everyday life, innovations must be brought in for the unbanked as well.”
Only time will tell how well we adapt.