Time flies when you’re fighting fraud. In the three-plus years since the October 2015 liability shift to EMV chip-secured credit cards, we’ve collectively made tremendous, demonstrable progress toward stomping out card cloning and POS fraud.
Upwards of 67 percent of U.S. storefront locations now accept chip, and merchants that have enabled their EMV terminals have enjoyed a 75 percent decline in counterfeit fraud dollars. (Furthermore, the drop in POS fraud dollars has been 46 percent for all merchants, regardless of EMV compliance.) Even so-called fallback fraud, a loophole exploited to work around EMV chips at POS terminals, is quickly being quelled.
It would be be naive to think fraudsters were just going to hang it up, call it a day and retire. Rather, they’ve evolved their strategies to focus on other flavors of fraud. It’s actually encouraging to see that retailers are still treating payment fraud as a top-of-mind concern as that evolution happens,
Let’s be clear: The post-EMV expectation was always for fraud to transition to online. Some of the exact forms of fraud were perhaps unanticipated, but all have roots that can be traced back to those former card fraudsters.
First, there’s a growing amount of new account origination fraud occurring as a result of
Account takeover (ATO), where cybercriminals steal login credentials through phishing, social engineering and breaches and then gain control of bank, e-commerce or other accounts, has been on the rise. A stout 49 percent of respondents to
Just as historically difficult to detect is advanced malware that interrupts a consumer in the midst of a legitimate online transaction. The fraudster hijacks the session via a “man in the middle” or “man in the browser” attack without the customer or business seeing it, leaving the business believing that it was the real customer who made the transaction while the customer thinks they completed a transaction that never was. It’s a one-by-one approach to fraud, but it can be catastrophic when it comes to big-ticket purchases or emptying accounts.
Speaking of purchases, the most obvious progression for fraudsters was always straight card- not-present (CNP) fraud, where a stolen card number and accompanying PII — most often skimmed (sometimes online through malware), phished or ransacked during a data breach — is used to make an unauthorized, frequently high-value purchase from an online retailer or service provider with very little verification that the proper cardholder was behind it. Chances are, average Americans have experienced this type of fraud before. It’s most often the impetus for those fraud detection courtesy calls from a bank or the automatic, unrequested off-cycle replacement of a credit card.
Those emerging online fraud vectors represent the worst of the news. The better half is that there are already a number of technologies, tools and means that consumers and businesses alike can employ to mitigate them. A combination of
Sometimes, taking active measures and implementing technology is the easy part. Knowing what fraud to fight and where it lurks … that’s a different story.