India’s Chillr P-to-P app gets broad bank support

Chillr, one of India’s growing number of mobile payment apps enabling person-to-person payments between customers of different banks, is expanding to 45 banks in the country.

More than 1 million consumers in India currently use Chillr, which leverages Unified Payments Interface (UPI), the open-source technology introduced in India in April 2016 by National Payments Corp. to drive interoperability between Indian banks’ mobile wallets, according to The Hindu.

HDFC Bank, Bharat Bank and Bank of India are among financial institutions supporting Chillr, according to Chillr's website.

The Indian government’s support of UPI is driving rapid development of bank-centered P-to-P apps. PhonePe—a P-to-P app Flipkart purchased last year—also leverages UPI. But rising competition in the niche is driving TruPay, which previously developed a proprietary P-to-P technology, to shift its focus to merchant-based mobile payments, according to another recent report.

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P-to-P payments Mobile payments India