Fime joins UnionPay program to speed QuickPass certifications

Fime test labs in France and Taiwan now support terminal manufacturers and kernel developers seeking to enable acceptance of China UnionPay QuickPass.

The Antony, France-based tech consultancy and EMV certification provider says it will significantly speed up and reduce certification costs for manufacturers through the QuickPass sponsorship program, designed to drive more adoption of UnionPay QuickPass.

China UnionPay developed QuickPass in 2011 as a contactless card scheme similar to Mastercard's PayPass or Visa's payWave. In late 2015, China's largest payment and clearing network established an agreement with more than 20 banks in Beijing to adapt QuickPass as a mobile wallet service.

UnionPay sought an NFC chip-based and host card emulation mobile pay service with tokenization to counter the growing strength of Alibaba's Alipay. Users with Android smartphones with NFC capabilities can create a QuickPass card on their phones to make contactless payments.

china unionpay
A pedestrian walks past a bank ATM machine with an UnionPay sticker in Shanghai, China on Sunday, 18 March 2007.

“We are supporting international vendors with a range of consultancy and certification services and those services just became more accessible,” Alex Chen, business director for Asia Pacific at Fime, said in a Jan. 4 press release. “As the first laboratory outside mainland China to participate in the sponsorship program we look forward to continuing our strong and productive relationship with UnionPay, and helping international vendors to get certified.”

Fime's testing tool for UnionPay product certification is also available for terminal manufacturers to use during product development to avoid testing errors in the final stages of product approval.

“Increased global acceptance is key to our expansion strategy and partners like Fime are central to this process," Zhaoyu Han, product manager at UnionPay International, said in the release.

Qualified to be an NFC communication certification tester in more Asian countries in the past year, Fime most recently gained approval from EMV standards body EMVCo to use its global testing tools for those developing mobile payment applications.

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