Amazon targets subscription sales with self-service merchant portal

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Amazon is using its substantial scale to rapidly diversify beyond its e-commerce core, with its latest move being a self-service subscription hub.

Called Subscribe with Amazon, digital subscription businesses can offer targeted sales through Amazon's search and recommendation technology, as well as self-service enrollment for businesses that offer streaming content such as news, education and lifestyle articles.

Businesses can offer introductory, monthly and annual pricing options, as well as exclusive deals via Prime. Subscriptions will each have distinct pages, and sellers can access application programming interfaces to support orders and receive updates from Amazon. Consumers that purchase subscriptions on amazon can access their accounts from iOS, Android and Amazon Fire devices supported by the subscription provider.

Amazon shipping box
An employee seals a delivery box with tape with Amazon Prime and Amazon Premium branding at an Inc. fulfillment center in Peterborough, U.K., on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016. The online retail giant needs smart engineers to help expand its cloud computing division, automate warehouses and develop new gadgets like the voice activated Echo speaker. Photographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg
Simon Dawson/Bloomberg

"Over the years, Amazon has gained extensive experience in the memberships and subscriptions space, innovating across programs like Prime and Kindle," said Lovina McMurchy, general manager of Subscribe with Amazon, in a release.

Early adopters on the marketplace include SlingTV, Disney Story Central, Dropbox, Texture, eMelas, Fitstar by Fitbit, Creativebug, Headspace, LegalZoom, MileiQ, The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, The New Yorker, Consumer Reports and Tawkify.

Over the past several months, Amazon has stretched into new areas, linking to the BigCommerce network, adding a brick and mortar component to its online grocery service, placed pickup boxes inside banks and embarked on more experimental moves such as its Amazon Go cashierless store.

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