In global news this week, the EU cracks down on buy now/pay later; France conducts digital currency test, Tencent launches cross-border payments, and other news.
Here's what's happening around the world.
While often used to describe a digital asset that hedges against cryptocurrency's volatility, the reality of stablecoins is much more complex.
Both consumers and banks reported that the rate of fraud and scams has steadied, according to FinCEN and FTC data, but the total cost continued rising.
A much-anticipated stablecoin bill advanced to the full Senate in an 18-6 vote, giving it a promising path to pass with 60 votes. But amendments banks favored were shut out of the markup.
The software helps identify and investigate crime, then writes a recommendation.
New guidance from the Office of Personnel Management states that unions' collective bargaining agreements cannot interfere with mass layoffs carried out by federal agencies.
Dodig, who has led the Canadian bank since 2014, will be succeeded by Harry Culham, CIBC's head of capital markets.