Buyers who rely on paper-based payments often struggle to onboard new suppliers. This "process overhead" can be so cumbersome that many buyers become resistant to change, opting instead to limit their supplier choices to a small number of partners, writes Patrick Bermingham, the CEO of Adlex.
May 15Adflex -
The open banking model is not very different from what Amazon brought about in retail. Banks have little choice but to embrace the concept, according to Nick Frankland, managing director of fintech at Legal and General.
May 15Legal and General Insurance -
If an organization can’t evolve to create the level of customer experience expected, someone else will, writes Jay King, president of financial services for Alorica.
May 14Alorica -
Robotics and automatically triggered transactions will pressure how data is collected and made trustworthy enough to be actionable, according to Raphael Davison, worldwide director of blockchain for Hewlett Packard Enterprises.
May 14Hewlett Packard Enterprises -
A multilayered approach that allows one type of fraud tool to pick up the slack when another layer fails, according to Robert Capps, a vice president at NuData Security.
May 11NuData Security -
The correct strategy needs to be built around the mindset that the attackers might eventually succeed, and that with the right tools, the breach can be detected early, the extent of it can be controlled, and the attack can be stopped before a lot of damage is inflicted, writes Engin Kirda, a professor of computer science at Northeastern University.
May 11Northeastern University -
Welcoming automation into our industry with less friction and fear happens when we understand its overwhelming benefit to our futures and the quality of our work, writes Lauren Ruef, a research analyst for Nvoicepay.
May 10Nvoicepay -
Millennials view the ATM as central to how they manage their money and go about their daily lives, writes Yonas Marcos, president and CEO of Star Financial Services.
May 9Star Financial Services -
Blockchain's decentralized model can help avoid the "insiders-only" tendencies of centralized markets while distributing risk, contends Donika Kraeva, strategic communications manager at Dentacoin.
May 9Dentacoin -
January 14, 2020 seems like a long way away. But there are less than two years before the Windows 7 cut-off date hits; and time flies when it comes to ATM upgrades, writes Paul Albright, executive vice president of Outsource ATM.
May 8Outsource ATM -
Regulatory initiatives have erupted across the globe that call for the implementation of immediate payment systems, writes John Mitchell, CEO of EpisodeSix.
May 7Episode Six -
Only through data can issuers create a superior digital customer experience and provide strategic guidance to help on-the-go customers, writes Lisa Woodley, vice president of FSI customer experience for NTT Data Services.
May 7NTT Data -
Payment collections will never be easy, but the availability of so much data and the means to make meaningful sense out of it with AI and advanced analytics is helping collections firms be more efficient and smart about their interactions, writes Scott Kendrick, vice president of marketing at CallMiner.
May 4CallMiner -
With $120 trillion in B2B payments made each year, making even a tiny change in how businesses pay each other could unlock incredible value for buyers, suppliers, and their financial institutions, writes Dean M. Leavitt, CEO of Boost Payment Solutions.
May 4Boost Payment Solutions -
Transport players are faced with several opportunities to meet both the rising expectations of end users and tap in to new revenue streams. The time to innovate is undoubtedly now, writes Myung-Hwa Calais, transport market director at FIME.
May 3FIME -
Amazon is offering to pass its discount along to at least some smaller merchants if they agree to embrace its Amazon Pay service.
May 2 -
Cloud-based software has replaced bulky, expensive and almost obsolete servers, which allows SMBs to keep costs lower while getting access to more functionality, writes Rush Taggart, Chief Technology Officer for CardConnect.
May 2CardConnect -
Payment system change in the United States has always benefited from a consensus-driven approach that incorporates the views and behaviors of many, financial institutions, payment processors, technology providers, merchants, regulators, consumer advocates and others, writes Michael Bilski, CEO of North American Banking Company.
May 2North American Banking Company -
American Express has issued a series of deadlines for merchant acquirers in markets outside of the U.S. in an attempt to jolt the global migration.
May 1 -
The growth and popularity of debit payments has been driving monumental change in the U.S. and Domestic Debit Networks have been at the forefront of this wave of innovation, adapting their products and services to meet these changing market needs, writes Paul Tomasofsky, executive director of the Debit Network Alliance.
May 1Debit Network Alliance