Consumers, banks and merchants all want faster payments, but new technology only seems to be making the process slower.
May 26 -
E-commerce is eroding the appeal of shopping malls, so the operators of some of the largest shopping centers are starting to dish out their own share of digital disruption.
May 26 -
When TableSafe launched in 2011 under the name Viableware, it was a simpler time in payments technology and the company had a simpler product to offer a tablet-like check holder that lets customers complete card payments without leaving the table.
May 25 -
Working to help corporations streamline their processes for business-to-business transactions, Total System Services Inc. has launched a new commercial payment product leveraging virtual account numbers.
May 23 -
While the current phase of the U.S. chip card migration is still far from the finish line, attention is turning to the 'next' EMV migration at gas stations, which figures to be just as challenging.
May 23 -
Heartland Payment Systems has leveraged newly purchased merchant marketing company Beanstalk Data to build a restaurant analysis service.
May 20 -
Google is helping developers cut steps out of the path to accepting digital payments with several key moves unveiled around the Google I/O developers conference taking place this week.
May 19 -
Total System Services Inc. has announced an agreement with Featurespace to apply machine-learning technology to fight fraud.
May 19 -
Visa's rules for card acceptance exceed 800 pages plus supplements and MasterCard's are nearly 300 pages. But even though the card networks have explained their expectations in painstaking detail, the difference between strict rules and mere guidelines is much blurrier when finally given to the merchant.
May 18 -
Back in 2014, Dekkers Davidson, then CEO of the Merchant Customer Exchange, declared that the mobile wallet venture would draw inspiration from Uber and be just as disruptive to financial services as the popular ride-sharing app was to the taxi industry. But Uber's success stems largely from its decision to make payments invisible, whereas MCX was developing its CurrentC wallet to do just the opposite.
May 17 -
Mobility's incursion into merchant services is normally treated as a threat to independent sales organizations and legacy acquirers, who will find themselves on the outside as technology-based services take over the store.
May 17 -
When Walmart switched on Walmart Pay this week at 600 stores in two states, it marked the beginning of a new era, when merchants finally take the reins in mobile payments and, by extension, the future of digital commerce.
May 17 -
The Merchant Customer Exchange, a retailer-backed mobile wallet venture of over three years in the works, has postponed its plans for a national rollout of its mobile wallet.
May 16 -
Stadiums, concert halls and other entertainment settings have long been venues in which terminal providers like NCR or Oracle would likely have units in place, offering a vast array of functions tailored to those businesses.
May 16 -
Square, which has been aggressively adding merchant services to enhance its mobile payments product, has added an invoice scheduling feature to add flexibility to merchant payments.
May 13 -
More than seven months after the EMV liability shift, the majority of U.S. retail locations still havent upgraded their payment terminals to accept chip cards, with some small and midsize businesses citing the difficulty of getting their equipment tested and certified by appropriate organizations.
May 12 -
While Walmart's lawsuit against Visa this week centers on authorization and routing methods, the Debit Network Alliance LLC a group of independent debit networks is also taking issue with EMV routing in addressing how terminal software is handling the choices presented to consumers.
May 12 -
Citigroup is testing Bluetooth beacon technology in a pilot that gives customers cardless access to branch ATMs after business hours, among other services.
May 11 -
Walmart and Visa have had a long and volatile relationship, and the retailer's latest lawsuit against the global card brand gives voice to a struggle that many other companies are too small to fight.
May 11 -
To expand the reach of its global e-commerce services, Ingenico ePayments is building up a vast network of connections to merchant acquirers, hoping to gain a competitive edge as the demand grows for omnichannel payments.
May 11