The heist is among the largest ever experienced by the crypto industry and highlights concerns many have over the need for better regulation.
8h ago -
The hacker group NoName057 claimed responsibility for DDoS attacks on major Italian banks, citing President Mattarella's remarks on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
9h ago -
As tech companies launch agentic AI that can execute tasks as well as generate content and reason, banks are putting frameworks and controls in place to start taking advantage.
February 20 -
The New York-based fintech's high-tech initiative is the centerpiece of an initiative aimed at capitalizing on an expected surge in small business lending activity.
February 20 -
A notification from Finastra to victims reveals that a data breach reported late last year compromised some consumer financial information.
February 19 -
The industry's top leaders, including The Most Influential Women in Payments, will be on hand to discuss innovation, compliance, risk, crypto and more.
February 19 -
The distributed ledger developer announced the grant program in tandem with its real-world asset token standard.
February 18 -
The payment card industry must upgrade encryption before quantum computers render current security methods obsolete, FS-ISAC warned.
February 13 -
The governance platform is meant to prevent hallucinations, errors, bias and other problems, and to track model activity to make sure nothing goes awry.
February 12