The credit reporting firm said credit card and personal-loan delinquencies are likely to rise in 2023 to the highest in a dozen years, with lenders cutting back on originations as a potential recession looms.
December 14 -
Micron's planned semiconductor chip factory near Syracuse along with IBM's expansion project in the Hudson Valley could inject as much as $120 billion into markets inside the footprint of the combined NBT Bancorp and Salisbury Bancorp. NBT CEO John Watt calls the economic investments a "transformational opportunity" for the region.
December 13 -
Canada's banking regulator said the country's mortgage stress test has helped prevent widespread defaults as interest rates rose this year, rebuffing calls to weaken or eliminate the measure amid a surge in homebuying costs.
December 9 -
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen hailed the work done by women in her department as she unveiled the first U.S. banknotes bearing the signature of a female secretary.
December 8 -
An end-of-year push to attach a marijuana banking bill to a must-pass defense measure is facing stiff resistance from Senate Republicans and complicating the delicate lame-duck endgame for Democratic leaders soon to lose control of the House.
December 7 -
After several years when the scandal-plagued bank was focused on cost cutting, CEO Charlie Scharf indicated Tuesday that the company has opportunities to expand revenue across every line of business.
December 6 -
Banks are starting to have a tougher time obtaining funds in the financial system as the Federal Reserve shrinks its balance sheet and hikes interest rates, leaving analysts searching for any signs that the strains are approaching the magnitude of past credit crunches.
December 6 -
JPMorgan Chase is planning to increase headcount in its Latin American private-banking unit by about 25% next year as the firm looks to attract more clients with $5 million to $25 million to invest at the bank.
December 6 -
The Texas company has set up commercial banking offices in Charleston and Greenville, and it has established a private banking office in Atlanta. Its long-term goal is to build a branch network in some key Southeastern markets.
December 5 -
Seattle Bank built CD Valet to be an unbiased resource for top certificate of deposit rates that cannot be influenced by advertising dollars.
December 5