Ten years ago, Wall Street crashed the economy after some bankers committed massive fraud so they could pocket billions in bonuses.
Since then, here’s the number of senior bankers imprisoned for this fraud: zero.
And how much success has Washington had in reforming misplaced pay incentives that drove the fraud? Also zero.
One trader at Goldman Sachs last year made
When one measures the grip of the Wall Street lobby on Washington, nothing is more telling than these results. Where it matters to individual bankers, reform has left them personally untouched.
What caused the Wall Street crash 10 years ago this month is clear: fraud, sleeping cops, overleveraged banks and overdosed pay.
Because banks couldn’t pay their own debts, Washington forced taxpayers to bail them out. Then in 2010, Congress approved a law that attempted to address the key problems, the Dodd-Frank Act. Since then, Washington regulators have taken steps to implement many of the law’s important regulations, with one glaring exception: The one that hits the bankers in their wallets.
Pay played a central role in the fact that bankers crashed the economy. Mortgage originators pocketed fees as they flooded the market with expensive mortgages, and those fees escalated with more expensive loans. Many lenders intentionally signed up borrowers to higher-rate loans (the now-infamous subprime loans) because the lender earned more than with a conventional, cheaper loan. Securitizers packaging these loans also made money in this process.
Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy Sept. 15, 2008, a move that sparked financial contagion throughout the system. In the year before, Lehman paid 50 employees (who were not the senior executives) a
Since the passage of Dodd-Frank, regulators have reduced (slightly) bank dependence on borrowed money by increasing the amount of required bank capital. In addition, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has policed unscrupulous lenders making predatory, abusive loans.
But just as Washington sent no bankers to prison for the massive fraud found in legions of Justice Department cases, Washington has failed completely to fulfill Congress’ pledge to tame the excessive pay practices underpinning the crash.
Section 956 of Dodd-Frank provides a minimal statutory safeguard on pay incentives. Bankers must not pay “excessive” compensation, and pay should not lead to “inappropriate risk-taking.” Congress understood the central role of pay in the crash, and unlike almost all the other 400 rules from Dodd-Frank, set a deadline for implementation: May 2011.
It is now more than seven years later, eight since the passage of Dodd-Frank, and ten years since the compensation-caused crash, and Washington still hasn’t touched the wallet of a single banker.
The financial industry has spent
Still, at least until recently, financial regulators made symbolic gestures in that direction. Twice a year, the regulatory agencies list their agendas for rulemaking. Until the end of the Obama administration, the five bank agencies charged with implementing the pay rule listed this rule as a priority.
In 2016, they
Real reforms could change Wall Street. For example, if banks sequestered a sizable fraction of senior bankers’ pay into a pot, and used that pot to pay penalties for misconduct, pay would be aligned with honest banking. Former New York Federal Reserve Bank President William
But the Trump administration has expressed no comment on pay reform. The regulatory agenda doesn’t even list this statutory mandate, despite Congress requiring that it be finished by May 2011. Regulators are going the wrong direction on this issue.
Until Washington reforms banker pay, we should expect more misconduct, if not outright catastrophe.