It's not every day that a federal regulatory agency is declared unconstitutional. Yet that's just what the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals did this month regarding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,

If the CFPB's funding is unconstitutional it throws into doubt the constitutionality of all other self-funded federal bank regulators, including the Federal Reserve Board. Moreover, if the CFPB is unconstitutional, its myriad regulations, upon which the economy depends, are all invalid, creating a compliance nightmare for all manner of financial services businesses.
The Fifth Circuit struck down the CFPB's funding mechanism because the bureau is not funded through congressional appropriations from the Treasury. Instead, the CFPB draws annually
This arrangement is only natural because the CFPB is an
Similar self-funding arrangements exist for other financial regulators, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the National Credit Union Administration and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
The Fifth Circuit's beef with the bureau's funding arrangement is that the Appropriations Clause provides that "
As a textual matter, it is unclear why the CFPB's funding violates the Appropriations Clause, which by its own terms applies only to the spending of Treasury funds. Federal Reserve System funds are not Treasury funds. Be that as it may, the more troubling problem with the Fifth Circuit's reasoning is that there's no principled way to distinguish the CFPB's unappropriated funding mechanism from that of the Fed or other self-funded financial regulators.
The Fifth Circuit claimed that the CFPB is different because the other self-funded agencies do not "wield enforcement and regulatory authority remotely comparable to the authority the [bureau] may exercise throughout the economy."
Come again? The Fifth Circuit is claiming the CFPB wields broader regulatory authority than the Fed, a full-fledged bank regulator that engages in rulemaking and enforcement, operates the payment systems that are the backbone of the economy, and regulates monetary policy and employment. This is what is known as "motivated reasoning."
Likewise, the Fifth Circuit claimed that the CFPB is different because it erroneously believed that the bureau is funded by the Fed, another regulatory agency. The Fifth Circuit claimed this made the bureau's funding doubly insulated from congressional control, because neither the bureau's funding nor the board's is subject to appropriations.
The Fifth Circuit, however, simply had the facts wrong. The CFPB is not funded by the board. Instead, both the bureau and the board are funded directly through assessments on the private Federal Reserve banks. There is no "double insulation." The CFPB's funding arrangement is indistinguishable from that of the board.
There is no escaping the logic of its appropriations clause argument: If the CFPB is unconstitutional, so too is the Fed and other self-funded federal financial regulators. Consider the havoc that will unleash on the economy if there is no agency allowed to regulate the U.S. banking or housing finance system or undertake monetary policy. There's no way to strike down the CFPB's funding without destroying the entire U.S. bank regulatory system.
Even if the CFPB could somehow be distinguished from these other agencies, declaring it unconstitutional still hazards chaos, as it would void all of the bureau's rulemakings from the past dozen years. That does not mean that there's no regulation. Instead, it means that there's unclear regulation, which is the worst possible outcome for the consumer finance industry because it poses enormous litigation risk.
Consider a mortgage lender that needs to make disclosures when making a loan. For years that lender has been using the disclosure forms promulgated by the CFPB, knowing that using them shields it from liability. If the agency is unconstitutional, the use of those forms ceases to provide any legal protection.
Likewise, the CFPB's
And without
CFPB opponents are playing with fire. Like the agency or not, regulated entities rely on its regulations to provide the rules of the road. The bureau is too integral to the smooth operation of the consumer finance industry to be eliminated without causing serious disruption to the economy.