
Technology is our only hope to cope with red flags and black swans

AI and machine learning are the future of banking and financial services
AI and machine learning are the future of banking and financial services — regulators and policymakers need to keep the pace, writes Sygno Chief Commercial Officer Karin Schreiber.
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London's business center in the 16th century often used the expression of a "black swan" to refer to impossibilities, simply because scientists had not documented the sighting of many such animals. After Dutch explorers first sighted black-feathered swans in Australia in 1696, they were surprised and took the birds home. Since that day, it remained a way to describe unexpected events. The black swan theory has been further developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and is often cited in a macroeconomic context and to approach random and high-impact risk in financial markets. The key piece of advice regarding a black swan event is that you cannot predict it, nor can you prevent it. You can only prepare for it.

Many economists and financial professionals working in an industry of risk and correlated numbers find comfort in rationalizing previous events and integrate them into future prediction models. Learning from the past and planning for the future are the adages that drive modern economics. We can find these mechanisms in trading, supervision, risk management, fraud management and even in anti-money laundering controls.  

But what if we are ready for a new approach? A paradigm that steps away from the rule-based mindset the industry has embraced for decades. If we look at the example of financial crime, we can already say that the past behavior of criminals that are making illicit payments are not a guarantee of future behavior or the start of a pattern. But then what is? Perhaps the answer to that question is to ask another one: What if the ultimate predictor does not exist? Then the first step would be to stop looking for the unknowns, and rather aim for what we already know. Banks and payments providers, being data-driven entities, are already very capable of gathering information on their customers and beneficiaries. They are overseeing legitimate data points that can help to improve critical and data-intensive functions such as fraud management, compliance and transaction monitoring. Machine learning and artificial intelligence can unlock the value of these core capabilities and do not require the industry to reinvent the wheel. What is more, monetizing and investing in concrete AI opportunities within highly regulated environments such as transaction monitoring sets the bar high while opening doors for the rest.  

A closer look at the opportunities shows that the use of machine learning in this space is increasing. In a recent industry report, McKinsey called machine learning in transaction monitoring a "game changer." Fully 80% of the North American banks that participated in the study indicated being in the process of adopting machine learning solutions and expected to expand these efforts in the coming three years. While journalists and academics are seeing competition in ChatGPT, quant hedge funds are treading toward algorithm-led strategies to deal with growing uncertainties and unknowns on global markets at the "fastest rates in a decade," according to Financial Times. As an industry, banks and financial firms will soon be the largest investor in AI, according to the latest JLL Banking & Finance Outlook. Some functions fear for their jobs but the reality is that since 2018, data scientist recruitment in banking has increased 90%. In anti-money laundering and compliance, data flows are abundant, and the work never stops. Replacing case analysts and compliance officers in critical functions will also not happen soon. The use of IT-infrastructure and machine learning applications is a way to empower data analysis instead of eliminating it. Many algorithms already deployed in finance often only generate insights and do not make any judgments or decisions. 

Industry investment and cooperation is needed but regulatory support is more urgent. The regulatory stance on data privacy and machine learning adoption are currently moving in different directions. On the one hand, U.S. financial supervisors, the Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. are pushing banks to improve internal controls and risk infrastructure, while regulatory agencies such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Data Protection Authorities in the U.S. and Europe issue careful considerations on the decision-making capabilities of artificial intelligence. Transparency is key in overcoming uncertainties. Knowledge sharing between technologists, AI advocates and policymakers is very welcome, but it would be even better to focus on the daily operational challenges experienced by many back-office workers.

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Bank technology Consumer banking Artificial intelligence Technology