Time to eat some crow.
Nearly five years ago, I wrote a BankThink
Today, average transaction fees

I stand by my old headline: “Lightning fast, dirt cheap: bitcoin shows what banking could be.” (Emphasis added here.) Whether bitcoin could sustain the low latency and low fees of the early days was beside the point. Surely centralized systems — which don’t require computers distributed across the globe to
Nevertheless, it’s fair to say that like a blindfolded person feeling the trunk of an elephant and thinking it’s a snake, I didn’t quite have the big picture in 2012. The most important thing about bitcoin, the characteristic the gives the lie to the oft-repeated claim that it’s “
No, the key thing about bitcoin is its censorship-resistance — something that I only obliquely touched on in my original post, when I mentioned that the currency could be used to purchase drugs on the dark web or send donations to WikiLeaks, which was then operating under a blockade by the major payment networks.
Censorship-resistance solves a real problem, and not just for drug dealers or ransomware attackers. Centralization may offer certain efficiencies, but it also creates single points of failure that are vulnerable to political or social pressure. As I wrote a year later, in 2013:
Set aside whatever you may think about WikiLeaks or Julian Assange. Just take a step back and consider this: Lawmakers strong-armed financial institutions into cutting off payments to a publisher that embarrassed the government.
If WikiLeaks can be censored this way, it can happen to another publication or media organization someone in a position of power doesn't like — be it Playboy or High Times or Guns & Ammo or Fox News or MSNBC or your trusty American Banker.
But WikiLeaks continued to accept donations via Bitcoin. That's the benefit of having a decentralized system, where payments are validated by "mining" computers scattered around the globe. There's no company with nervous shareholders for the demagogues to bully. … For someone who values freedom of speech, it's nice to know something like that exists.
WikiLeaks was an edge case, you say? Nobody cares about the edge cases, until they become one. Constitutions, due process, the presumption of innocence, reasonable doubt and cryptocurrency all provide valuable protections for edge cases.
Permission to pay
As the world goes digital and physical cash transactions continue to decline — egged on by payments companies aiming to expand market share and by governments seeking to maximize tax revenues — there will likely be a lot more attempts to turn trusted third parties into choke points. The writer Brett Scott warned about this last year:
“Cashless society” is a euphemism for the "
It would be facile to claim that censorship-resistance is “more important than ever in the age of Trump.” Where were all these people clutching their pearls about the current administration’s authoritarian tendencies in 2011, when the FDIC published a
The truth is that the

Red finance, blue finance
For a taste of what’s to come, witness the recent kerfuffles over USAA’s
Now, when I hear a blowhard spouting conspiracy theories on TV, I laugh and change the channel, and I avoid going to see plays that try way too hard to be topical and edgy. Others with more time on their hands seek to cleanse the world of bad thoughts, however they define them, and they’re gung-ho to conscript corporate America in their crusades.
Financial institutions will be a favorite target for enlistment, since they sit in the middle of so many transactions. Again, this is not far-fetched. It has already happened with “sin” industries and payday lenders.
Trot out the ol’ nebulous “
Apolitical money
Politics, it’s fair to say,
If an undocumented migrant worker in California wants to send bitcoin to his aunt in Mexico, President Trump cannot stop the transaction (though he could make it harder to exchange dollars for bitcoin on this side of the border). If a lonely man in a wheelchair wants to pay a consenting adult in another city bitcoin to take her clothes off in front of a webcam, the combined forces of the religious right and the
The downside of censorship resistance is that genuinely dangerous people like ISIS might take advantage of it too. According to a recent article by Rand Corp. researchers “the use of digital currencies among terrorists is
Politics is hard to get away from. And unfortunately,
The price of scaling
The bitcoin
For a few years, one camp has wanted to move quickly to increase the network’s capacity by increasing the maximum size of transaction blocks, currently one megabyte, that are added to the blockchain every 10 minutes. Bigger blocks would shorten confirmation times, allow more transactions to be processed per second, and hold fees down. (Users who want their transactions processed quickly have to pay higher fees to coax bitcoin miners, who record transactions on the ledger, into prioritizing them.) It’s urgent, the big blockers say, given the bottlenecks and rising costs to send money over the network, which make bitcoin less appealing as an alternative to Visa or Western Union.
Another camp has wanted to proceed more cautiously. Larger blocks, they point out, would require more powerful computers,
Various compromises have been floated, but the debate has grown increasingly acrimonious and the camps distrustful of each other. It will all come to a head on Aug. 1, when a “
There are hundreds of other cryptocurrencies. Most of them seem half-baked or dodgy (there’s a ruder term for these; it rhymes with “bitcoins”). A few are interesting, such as Monero and Zcash, each designed to be
We’ll see if bitcoin can have its cake and eat it too. The world needs faster and cheaper international payments, but above all it needs censorship-resistant ways to transact. Banks ought to be able to provide the former,
The views expressed here are those of the author, so don’t blame his staff. He has a small holding of bitcoin, and if he had a lick of sense he’d be holding a lot more today.
To learn about what banks such as JPMorgan and Citi are doing with the technology bitcoin inspired, come to American Banker’s Blockchains + Digital Currencies