The Treasury Department’s
While the Treasury addressed several important issues, these are the top five critical omissions from its CRA reform playbook:
1. CRA requirement for credit unions
2. Consolidation of CRA regulatory oversight in one agency
The Treasury Department missed an opportunity to back a key reform that would improve supervision: transferring the entire CRA function of the three prudential regulators to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Putting one federal regulatory agency in charge of CRA regulations, examinations, ratings and enforcement, would eliminate inconsistent exams and ratings. The prudential regulators would, of course, oppose any reduction of their power. But my analysis of the last 28 years of CRA performance evaluations (since CRA ratings became public in 1990) has documented that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and Federal Reserve have been incapable of consistency in this critical function.
For example, just 6% of the FDIC’s CRA ratings since 2014 were Outstanding, compared with 18% for the OCC and 9% for
3. Economic incentives for earning an Outstanding CRA rating
The lack of
A dollars-and-cents motivation for outstanding CRA performance could be in the form of reduced FDIC deposit insurance premiums, reduced borrowing costs from the Fed and Federal Home Loan Bank System, and/or even tax credits.
All banks with an Outstanding rating could also be given an additional year between CRA exams. Conversely, a bank with a failing CRA rating (only 2% get a Needs to Improve or Substantial Noncompliance rating) would be penalized in the opposite direction, biting into the income statement of banks that ignore CRA obligations.
Banks with Outstanding CRA ratings should be publicly highlighted in separate monthly regulatory releases like the current ones on enforcement actions where banks are criticized. At a minimum, the heads of the regulatory agencies should send a brief congratulatory letter to the CEOs of outstanding institutions.
4. Specific quantitative guidelines on key CRA metrics
Bankers need and deserve
Rather than rigid rules, such guidelines provide bankers with some needed direction in critical performance areas. An individual bank’s performance context will determine the appropriateness of these guidelines. Examiners would still retain their overall ratings discretion regarding a bank’s qualitative performance, such as responsiveness to community development (CD) needs, innovativeness, flexibility, etc.
5. Specific assessment area recommendations for nationwide banks
This omission was particularly disappointing. Modernizing banks’ assessment areas to account for technological changes and there being less emphasis on branch banking is on any CRA reform advocate’s to-do list. But Treasury provided no real guidelines on how to rethink assessment areas.
The most critically needed guidance is for fintech, credit card and other banks with a national deposit footprint but little or no retail branch footprint. My research has concluded that we need a
Today, 100% of the CRA benefits of nationally operating credit card and similar special-purpose banks headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, Sioux Falls, S.D., and Wilmington, Del., go to those communities where they have their only office, yet all three of those MSAs combined represent less than 1% of our population.
By punting to the three regulators, Treasury ignored the fact that the three regulators have not been on the same page since the OCC came out with its
Assuming that the three regulators can get their act together and put forth specific and needed CRA reforms, unlike Treasury, and further assuming that they get it right, there is reason to be hopeful about CRA’s future.
If, however, this is not the case, it is reassuring to know that there are some very concerned members of Congress, most notably the Congressional Black Caucus, closely watching this CRA reform effort. They could always move ahead with their own CRA reform package if the regulators don’t get it right.