Other reforms are getting short shrift while federal regulators fascinate over the power of capital rules to reform the banking business.
July 16 -
The new leverage ratio is a relatively modest proposal that can be easily addressed by the affected banks without material capital raises or changes in distribution policy.
July 17 -
An encompassing denominator and full disclosure requirements should assuage concerns that Basel fails to go far enough to cushion banks for unexpected losses.
July 16
Years ago, when I was still a banker, a good customer said, "I have no idea how to evaluate creditworthiness, but my guess is that a big down payment eliminates a lot of potential problems." My customer was right, but his analysis was narrow and a bit crude. I am reminded of that conversation by the current seemingly narrow emphasis on increasing minimal capital requirements as a singular method of preventing a repeat of the recent banking crisis.
Make no mistake, a strong capital position and minimum capital requirements are important components of a strong and well-regulated banking industry. But an emphasis on capital to the exclusion of all else is, at best, misleading and, at worst, harmful to the banking business model. Capital requirements should complement risk management, which also includes a focus on liquidity and operational risk, and a strong supervisory framework.
The commercial bank business model is predicated on the appropriate use of leverage. The core of the banking industry's role as a financial intermediary, which has become more complex over time, is to convert demand and savings deposits into productive lending. Minimum capital requirements significantly impact that role. The greater the capital requirement, the less funds are available to lend.
Also, generating an appropriate return on equity for a bank with a 15% capital/assets ratio requires a much larger interest rate margin than generating the same return on a 10% ratio and almost certainly requires greater risk in the loan portfolio. By contrast, an overly leveraged institution (and therefore one with a very low capital/assets ratio) does not have the loss absorption capacity to handle anything other than totally risk-free assets. The ideal capital position (also known as the optimal economic capital position) is one that provides an appropriate buffer against losses, but allows for an acceptable market return on the institution's invested capital.
The current Washington-based focus on enhancing capital does not seem to recognize that basic concept. We hear and read that greatly enhanced capital requirements would have prevented the last banking crisis and will ensure that we will not have another. Perhaps the most dramatic example of that line of thought was the recent introduction of the Brown-Vitter bill that would potentially raise capital levels to 15% for banks that had achieved an asset size above $500 billion.
In unveiling the bill, it was not clear if Sens. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and David Vitter, R-La., two members of the Senate Banking Committee, were addressing a perceived capital weakness, or if the intent was to deter banks from achieving an asset accumulation of that size.
The surprise to me was not the introduction of the bill, but rather the response it received from seemingly informed sources. A Washington Post
While not imposing the tough capital requirements included in the bill before Congress, the recent Basel III capital rules adopted by the federal banking agencies perpetuate this narrow reliance on capital to prevent the next financial crisis. The rule imposes a host of leverage and capital ratios and buffers.
While not all of the measures apply to all banks, even smaller banking organizations will face new requirements. Moreover, under a related proposal, the largest banks would be subject to a leverage ratio that is twice the Basel III minimum of 3%. Prompt corrective action rules would require a 6% standard in order to be eligible to conduct a full range of activities without supervisory restriction.
Missing from the discussion is a review of the impact capital levels have had on bank failures in recent years. The Basel III final rule discusses impact in terms of studies of the economic benefits and costs of stronger capital requirements, but these studies do not address the efficacy of capital in preventing bank failures. However, the bank regulatory agencies have done studies of past bank failures in an effort to benefit from the lessons taught by those experiences.
At a recent
An earlier FDIC
The intent of this analysis is not to discount the role of capital adequacy as an element of bank supervision. Rather, in reviewing the history of bank failures and subsequent resolutions, low bank capital ratios have not been a primary cause of bank failures. Bank regulators and policymakers on Capitol Hill should balance capital adequacy with other elements of a strong supervisory environment.
Mark W. Olson is co-chair of Treliant Risk Advisors LLC and can be reached at