TGR Financial in Florida Appoints Former Bank CEO to Board

TGR Financial (TGR) in Naples, Fla., has added a former bank leader to its board.

Bradford Kopp will also join the board of TGR unit First National Bank of the Gulf Coast. Kopp is a senior adviser to private equity firm Lightyear Capital, which specializes in providing buyouts and growth capital to financial services companies. He recently served as president and chief executive of Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son in Bermuda, where he led a recapitalization with a group of institutional investors.

"Kopp is a welcome addition to our boards of directors," Gary Tice, First National Bank's chairman and CEO, said in a Monday press release. "As we continue to grow our organization, Brad's expertise will be extremely valuable."

The $742 million-asset TGR agreed in October to buy Shamrock Bank of Florida.

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