Business borrowing has become a rare zone of vitality for
Dozens of small banks have broken from the pack, however, substantially increasing their C&I portfolios from next to nothing a few years ago.
Such moves have raised flags at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which
Also, the OCC said that some banks “are seeking asset growth by expanding or starting new product lines for which they may lack the appropriate control processes and expertise,” including C&I lending.
The second set of charts shows banks that have posted the largest increases in C&I lending as a percentage of their portfolios among institutions where C&I accounted for less than 3% of loans in the first quarter of 2007. (The data covers top-tier entities that report consolidated financials to regulators.)
The growth exhibited among this group — from 12 to 42 percentage points — is not necessarily reckless. Much could be explained by mergers where established controls and experienced loan officers may have been part of the package, or new management teams.
At the $8.4 billion-asset Apple Financial in New York, total loans were only about half of assets at March 31, despite a rapid rise in business lending that made C&I the largest component of the portfolio. (C&I displaced single-family mortgages, which had accounted for about 60% of Apple Financial’s loans in the first quarter of 2007.) The firm had few nonperforming assets through this year’s first quarter and a Tier 1 common capital ratio of 28%.
Rapid entry into business lending may not hurt all banks, but it seems inevitable that where rapid shifts occur, mistakes will be made.