OCC Finalizes Exam Fee Hike for Big Banks

WASHINGTON — The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency on Wednesday issued a final rule increasing examination fees for large institutions.

Under the new rule, which was unchanged from an April proposal, federally chartered banks and thrifts with more than $40 billion in assets will be subject to a 14.5% hike in the marginal assessment rate. Growth in actual assessments will range from 0.32% to 14%, depending on an institution's size. The average increase in fees will be 12%.

The fee hike, which will become effective Aug. 8, stems from the agency's added responsibilities under the Dodd-Frank Act. Those include supervision of the nation's thrifts, which Dodd-Frank transferred to the OCC from the former Office of Thrift Supervision.

The OCC said there had been no fee increase for its institutions above $40 billion in assets between 1995 and 2013. Assessments had actually been lowered in 2008.

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Law and regulation Dodd-Frank