Undergoing an annual physical exam gets employees a day off.
October 28 -
Avenue Bank's Ron Samuels says sports teach young people to work toward goals and manage their emotions traits he likes to see in employees.
October 26 -
First Horizon's Employee Leadership Program, championed by CEO Bryan Jordan, has been described as "life changing" by some of its graduates. It also has helped solidify First Horizon's status as one of the banking industry's most employee-friendly companies. On our list of Best Banks to Work For this year, it ranks as No. 1 among those with more than $10 billion of assets.
October 26
Location: Ridgeland, Miss.
Assets: $2.4 billion
No. of employees: 771
President and CEO: William A. Ray
Popular with employees: Bank-Plus' health insurance program offers premium discounts to employees who complete four wellness-related activities.
Community service initiative: The bank's CreditPlus program is a low-interest, small-dollar loan alternative to payday lenders and check-cashing services. Participants are invited to attend financial literacy seminars.
Fitness/wellness program: Filtered water and scales are provided at all facilities, encouraging employees to drink more water and check their weight.