The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency announced Tuesday it had withdrawn from an international body devoted to combatting climate-driven financial risk, saying it fell outside the agency's statutory remit.
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As it closes in on a New York listing, the Swedish fintech partners with the largest merchant acquirer in the U.S. by payment volume.
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A stop-work order from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's newly appointed acting director Russell Vought has created uncertainty about the future of consumer-oriented enforcement activity.
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Lawmakers, citing past failures, say FDIC staffing shortages weaken oversight.
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The Navy has told members not to use the virtual agent from China, and Congress is trying to forbid it among all government workers amid concerns about security.
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Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office, the president was asked if he wanted to eliminate the bureau. "I would say, yeah," Trump replied. "Because we're trying to get rid of waste, fraud and abuse."
2h ago