State banking associations across the country said that Michelle Bowman should be the Federal Reserve vice chair for supervision, not least because she already sits on the Fed board and could start immediately.
3h ago -
Jon Weiss, Wells Fargo's co-CEO of corporate and investment banking resigned from his position with plans to retire; A new CFPB report says military service members paid more for auto loans and add-on products; City National Bank's Kelly Coffee is leaving the bank after her 2023 demotion; and more in this week's banking news roundup.
5h ago -
The cryptocurrency exchange made the move to follow the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation, which tightens rules for digital assets in the European Union.
5h ago -
The company's software automatically monitored and negotiated bank fees on customers' behalf, with recent expansions into buy now/pay later bill management.
5h ago -
Small lenders across the country filled leadership positions, including The Peoples Savings Bank in Ohio, which promoted from within to name its first woman CEO.
6h ago -
The Providence, Rhode Island-based regional bank plans to create a new senior executive role that will focus on corporate strategy, rather than directly replace Johnson as chief experience officer.
7h ago
March 09, 2006, 2:00 a.m. EST 1 Min Read
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