ICBA replaces 2021 in-person convention with virtual event

The Independent Community Bankers of America is going virtual with next year’s convention.

The association had planned to hold its annual ICBA Live event in Hawaii in 2021 before the coronavirus pandemic intervened.

The event, which will take place March 9-10, has been rebranded as ICBA Connect. It will be shorter than the five days scheduled for the in-person gathering.

“We're creating an event made to energize your whole team,” the association said on its website. “Get ready for a virtual experience like nothing you've experienced before.”

The ICBA said it hopes to have a live event in March 2022.

Several high-profile events planned for next year are going virtual, including the American Bankers Association’s community banking conference, set for February. The ABA’s 2021 annual convention is still set to be held in Tampa, Fla., in October.

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