This is American Banker's
There are 90 banks that earned a spot on the 2021 list, eight of them with
The analysis for the ranking is performed with the Best Companies Group, which conducts extensive employee surveys and reviews employer reports on benefits and policies.
Banks must opt in to be considered; there is no fee to participate. To be eligible, applicants must be commercial or retail banks, or the commercial or retail banking units of diversified financial services companies. They also must have at least 50 employees working in the United States.
The employer questionnaire captures information about workplace policies and practices. The employee survey, typically conducted online, consists of approximately 78 statements that employees respond to on a 5-point agreement scale. The survey also includes open-ended questions and demographic questions.
For banks with fewer than 250 employees, all employees are surveyed. At larger banks, Best Companies Group randomly selects between 250 and 400 employees to participate, depending on the company's size. In both cases, the targeted response rate is 65% or more. But companies with a lower response rate may still be considered, as long as it is at least 40%.
Both data sets — the employer questionnaire and the employee surveys — are analyzed to determine the ranking. Some applicants may not rate high enough to qualify for the ranking. An Employee Feedback Report is available for purchase by participating banks.
Our eight previous rankings are posted online. You can see the 2020 ranking
For information on applying to next year's ranking of American Banker's Best Banks to Work For, please visit
Read about a few of the 2021 Best Banks to Work For:
How this community bank developed a diversity roadmap Leaving the morale-crushing tasks to 'robots' 'There's more to employee satisfaction than a paycheck'