Shon Hopwood has taken an unusual path: from bank heists to prison to law school and now a prestigious federal clerkship.
Hopwood, who was released in 2008 after serving ten years in prison for a string of bank robberies, has been offered a position as a clerk on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, generally considered the second most important court in the country, the New York Times
Hopewell's reformation has sparked a
Hopwood held up five banks in rural Nebraska in 1997 and 1998, stealing about $200,000. His technique, as he later recalled, was crude.
"We would walk into a bank with firearms, tell people to get down, take the money and run," he
Hopwood turned out to be a remarkable prison lawyer. He studied law in the prison library. In 2002, despite having no formal legal training, he petitioned to the Supreme Court to hear a case of a fellow inmate who had been arrested for drug crimes. The court, which accepts only around 1% of the petitions it receives, agreed to hear Hopwood's argument.
"It was probably one of the best [
The court ruled in the inmate's favor, 9-0, and his sentence was later reduced by more than four years.