SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Many of today's beautypageants appear superficial and focus too much on outward appearance, butDanfranc Productions, a special event planning company, has been producingthe Miss Teenage California Scholarship Pageant for 29 years with a focuson education. *(PHOTO 1: *(Photo 1 Caption: Miss Teenage California 2007, Noelle Freeman, Carlsbad, CA) *(PHOTO 2: *(Photo 2 Caption: Miss Teenage California 2207: Top Five Winners) The 29th annual Miss Teenage California Scholarship Pageant isscheduled for April 18-20, 2008 at the Radisson Hotel at the Los AngelesAirport. It promotes scholastic achievement, and a healthy lifestyle. A recent study, "Generation of Worried Teens," reports that 30 percentof girls compared to 19 percent of boys weigh themselves at least weekly.And, according to "Girls Speak Out," girls as young as eight years old talkabout clothing and watching calories. Frank Lameira, president of Danfranc Productions, explained. "Our goalis to re-shift the focus to young women who participate in schoolactivities and/or their community." For Noelle Freeman, Miss Teenage California Scholarship Pageant 2007,it was her very first pageant. As Miss Teenage California, Noelle won a$10,000 college scholarship to the university of her choice; $5,000 incash; a $1,500 national-pageant wardrobe; a laptop computer; luggage, andmany other prizes. "The popularity of more traditional beauty pageants is dwindling,"Lameira said. "Today's young women have lots more to offer than simply lookgood in a bathing suit; we used to have a swimsuit competition, buteliminated it." Eating disorders and self-esteem issues have pressured pageantorganizers to change with the times and to eliminate the idea that youngwomen need to be skinny to be popular. Some pageants have changed their focus, while others continue toinstill unhealthy images that do not reflect our current society. The Miss Teenage California Scholarship Pageant is a pageant thatcelebrates today's youth. Contestants vary in height, weight, and race. Thejudging categories consist of: Achievements and Activities;Personality/Intelligence; and Poise and Presence in Formal Attire. "It's still a pageant, but whether or not a young woman is a size 0 ora size 10, everyone is welcomed to participate," Lameira said. "And, noswimsuits are required." While part of the population may still feel that a young woman pursuinga crown in today's society is frivolous, Lameira disagrees. Contestants inthe Miss Teenage California Scholarship Pageant are active in their schooland community; most maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 and are highly motivated. Over $82,000 in college scholarships and prizes will be awarded at the29th Annual Miss Teenage California Scholarship Pageant. "What also sets this pageant apart from others is that it is not awinner-take-all event," Lameira said." Four runner-ups will win college scholarships of $5,000, $4,000,$3,000, and $2,000, respectively. The remaining top 10 finalists each earna $1,000 college scholarship for placement. The pageant acknowledges youngwomen in the state of California who are achievers and activators in theirschool and community, have career goals, and wish to pursue highereducation. Lameira, a 1997 inductee into the Performing Arts Hall of Fame for hiswork with youth, explains that the education of young people is indicativeof a strong and vibrant society. "We need to encourage positive behavior in today's youth, and tocelebrate their individuality, while still providing opportunities forreward and recognition," Lameira said. "We read enough stuff about youngcelebrities who get mixed up in alcohol and drugs. But, we don't hearenough about teens who silently, but consistently, are good students, andinvolved in their school and community." Area representatives are currently being sought for the 2008 pageant.For more information, visit:
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