Hudson & Marshall Will Auction nearly 130 Homes in Kansas City on March15th and 120 Homes in St. Louis on March 16th ST. LOUIS, March 3 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Tumbling home prices andmushrooming inventory make it a perfect time to buy a home. Faced with aplethora of choices, buyers are combing the market for bargains andincreasingly turning to bank-owned real estate auctions to find the bestdeals on the block. Hudson & Marshall, America's largest auction firm of"real estate owned" REO properties (foreclosures owned by banks), willauction nearly 300 homes in cities throughout Missouri on March 11-16. "Private auctions of bank-owned homes offer buyers an opportunity topurchase property below market value because lenders are eager to movethese non-performing loans off their books," remarked Dave Webb, principalHudson & Marshall. "Unlike foreclosures sold at county or sheriff auctions,bank-owned foreclosures, sold through private auctions, come withguaranteed title insurance paid for by the sellers, ensuring there are noback taxes or liens on the properties," added Webb. Foreclosure activity continues at a brisk pace nationwide. According toRealtytrac(R), Missouri ranked 20th nationally among the states, reporting3,359 filings in January 2008 an increase of 48% the same time a year ago.The National Association of Realtors also found nationally housinginventory rose 5.5% at the end of January to 4.5 million homes for sale,which is a 10.3 month supply at the current sales pace. Valued from $7,000 to $500,000, all the Missouri homes being auctionedhave been foreclosed upon or "repossessed" by the lenders and are vacant.Winning bidders will be required to make a cash or check deposit of 5% ofthe total sales price or $2500, whichever is greater. Homes are sold "as-is" and interested buyers are advised not to bid onany property they have not inspected. An open house is scheduled for allhomes March 8th and 9th from 1:00pm-3:00pm or by contacting listing agents.Detailed property information is available at
Each year, American Banker recognizes the women who are advancing the payments industry from the areas of banking, retail, acquiring, processing and more.
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