Readers consider to new evidence regarding Operation Choke Point, debate the impact of Democrats taking control of the House in November, respond to concerns about weakening the Volcker Rule and more.
"Unfortunately, this appalling practice of government chokeholds continues at the state level. New York Governor Cuomo's attempt to bankrupt the NRA by use of New York's insurance licensing bureaucracy is scary and is being mimicked by other "progressive" states. Other ways these bureaucratic powers will be misused in the future is even more frightening."

"Chokepoint was indeed an appalling policy/practice, and all who participated should be dealt with accordingly. But we all need to keep in mind that agency officials, including the FDIC Regional Director mentioned, were following orders. Chokepoint came from the very top of the OCC/FDIC, but you won't find a trail back to Curry or Gruenberg. They and others who crafted this indefensible agenda left no fingerprints, as even they knew it was wrong."
"I like the optimistic point of view - we absolutely should go in with the approach of seeking collaborative, bipartisan solutions. But the author has a much more glass half full view of Chair Waters than I do - I have not seen any inkling of a willingness to accommodate both segments of her committee..."

"After all the so-called moderate Rs get wiped out in this year's mid-term, the only ones left will be Democrats. Look at the agenda of the New Dems and Blue Dogs. All reasonable, pro-biz, pro-free trade, pro-innovation, consensus seeking moderates. I wish there were half as many moderates in the GOP, but the Freedom Caucus has taken over the asylum."
"Complete nonsense. Laws that have existed for years prohibit a depository bank from engaging in high risk trading with deposits. The Rule mostly affects affiliates that do not hold deposits. Volcker himself acknowledges that proprietary trading played no role in causing the recession. High risk trading with deposits is a lie used to agitate the public and legislators who don't know any better into passing this misdirected strategy to make it inconvenient for Goldman Sachs to own a bank."

"As a community banker, I have to ask, "Who is struggling to regain public trust”? Certainly not those of us who live in and serve our communities. We do not need data to help our customers succeed or to improve their lot. If we do not help customers to succeed then we will not succeed either. To suggest that we might do otherwise is insulting."