Readers respond to how the industry is donating ahead of the midterms, weigh in on a push to apply CRA-like standards to fintechs, react to a controversial decision by a California court and more.

"Testor voted 'Yea' on Dodd-Frank, and he recently voted 'Nay' on repealing the Arbitration Clause in Dodd-Frank. If how an elected federal official voted on ONLY banking-related bills was exclusively compelling, then that is all any community banker would need to know to NOT support Testor. And, taking this position is made even easier since Testor supports Chuck Schumer and Sherrod Brown the vast majority of the time on all non-banking issues. [The author] is simply wrong."

"I would remind everyone of the cycle of rebuilding a sports team. In the first stage, you lose big. In the next stage, you lose close. This is followed by winning close, which is where Dems are apt to be in November. In 2020, they may finally win big."

"Eliminating stated interest rate caps while providing that some loans not subject to usury laws may still be illegal by virtue of 'unconscionable' rates fairly begs for capricious and arbitrary court rulings. A determination of what is 'unconscionable,' a vague and ambiguous term, is highly subjective. You know, like... capricious and arbitrary. This is bad law for both consumers and lenders."

"Terminating executives earning more than $600K would be a good start. The GSE machinery is built and running. Neither GSE has had a new customer in a decade in either the single family or multifamily space. It is an unnecessary extravagance. Wash out the executive suite - tabula rasa!"

"If the banking industry thinks they will get friendly votes from these moderate democrats, I have a bridge to sell the believers."

"Ron Glancz was a go-to source for many

"Ron joined the FDIC's law department during my years as Chairman. He was conscientious, smart, hard working, and a pleasure to work with. He will be missed by those of us who knew him. Bill Isaac, former Chairman, FDIC."

"Non banks have been serving riskier borrowers because deposits are not exposed to risk like banks. So a level playing field has been attempted but banking examiners do not have a large appetite for risky loans on the books. CRA will become effective if banks are allowed tolerate the risk."