Readers react to Sen. Elizabeth Warren's "too big to jail" bill, respond to legislation prohibiting banks from denying service to gun dealers, consider the impact of housing finance reform on small lenders and more.

"I wonder, how many shareholders sit down and read a 51 page missive? If Mr. Dimon truly wants to shut down suggestions of his political aspirations, perhaps his letter to shareholders should be kept to a single page. In my view, by the way, there is more certainty now about U.S. global leadership than in the last 30 years. Having said all this, I sincerely stipulate that Mr. Dimon is smarter than I and that his hubris is exceeded only by my own."

"This is straight out of the Reign of Terror. Would Senator Warren agree to be personally criminally liable for any crime committed by a member of her staff? Can she certify that no one on her staff has violated a law?"

"Accusations of playing partisan political games from Senator Brown? Has he no sense of the irony in what he says?"

"Banks already bear huge and costly responsibilities for law enforcement activities (AML/BSA) and community development (CRA), with complex regulations and draconian enforcement mechanisms should they fail to live up to them. These remarks from [the author], normally an astute and shrewd observer of the industry, makes one wonder if she has been into the wrong Kool-Aid, or perhaps been spending time in Colorado or California. Banks are not the proper playthings of the 'social justice' movement."

"The Constitution creates an individual right to bear arms. That’s not a right to sell them, much less a right to force any bank you choose to do business with you. Kind of hard to square with Masterpiece Cake Shop."

"It's a sad day when it's necessary to pass legislation to ensure protection for businesses that are protected by the Constitution."

"It's not about equal consumer protection it's about fundamental solvency. Fintech firms do not have a 'safety and soundness' regulator. They are usually also non-depositories and starved for cash. Therefore they do have a lighter touch from regulators and to imply otherwise is a fantasy."

"They don't think Moore is unqualified. They fear him and the influence he would have."

"Big lenders like to throw their weight around. Sometimes small banks make production claims about loan delivery they are unable to keep. It would be difficult to remove all pricing variation. That said the regulators could regulate (tighten) the dispersion of fees to lessen disparate impact. They must also ensure volume or market share doesn't tempt the gluttonous Enterprises to grant imprudent waivers or exceptions to their credit policy as they have in the past."