Readers respond to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's overhaul of its payday loans rule, debate reforms to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, consider regulatory exemptions for regional banks and more.
"This is rich....a bank under investigation by the Fed for money laundering is worried about reputation risk."
"And the Oscar for Best Lobbyists goes to....Regional Banks! While I agree that the system is $700 Billion dollars stronger than at the onset of the great recession, it's ridiculous to imply a $100 Billion Bank such as these 16, cannot efficiently model stress scenarios. Tweak the scenarios not the participants."
"The CEO's are gone. The inertia should be less. Fire the unwilling. Focus all energy on Common Securitization Platform."
"Any solution that considers GNMA as a backstop is sorely lacking in an understanding of GNMA. It is woefully understaffed and lacks the expertise to manage the risk."
"Yes, those tax breaks have really devastated the economy and led to low job market participation. Oh...wait. Just the opposite. Isn't that interesting. It's almost like private companies and shareholders put money to better and more productive uses than vote-harvesting, career politicians. Fancy that."
"This is legal grafting and bribery from an industry in need of regulation to politicians to fix their game. Another example of why political expenditures should be more heavily regulated. The industry donated over $7.5MM to politicians in 2017 and 2018 to fund this reversal in policy! Consumers will ultimately be harmed by this roll back."