Readers react to Regions Financial's plan to replace its core deposit system, a House bill meant to curb jobs moved overseas, a resurgence of consumer complaints against the credit bureaus and more.
"Necessary but so challenging. May the odds be ever in your favor, Regions."
"Hopefully this is the tip iceberg. There are more FAQs, bulletins, letters, and interagency guidance out there just waiting for the GAO to say these items are subject to the CRA.”
"How dare companies take actions to benefit their bottom lines!"
"Sigh. . . The problem here is the consumer is not the customer; the consumer is the product, and 'products' are meant to be sold."
"The Fed is bogged down in inexperienced academic and political nonsense. They are awful banking regulators."
"Kudos to (FDIC) Chairman (Jelena) McWilliams for opening this up for some fresh air and sunshine . . . this is an area badly in need of review and repair."