Readers react to Sen. Warren's call for banks to fund her Medicare plan, a proposal requiring big-bank CEOs to testify before Congress, federal regulators lacking Trump appointees on their board and more.

"There is so much wrong with this that it makes my head explode."

"Inquisitions by the squad too ignorant to understand commerce without trying to be woke."

"Bring me some guys that took a loyalty oath. Then arrange for interviews after my golf game and before wrestling comes on the television."

"Doesn't this sound like another loan product that was based on increasing values and not creditworthiness?"

"Too bad the FDIC doesn’t have jurisdiction over mortgage bankers who do this stuff."

"Your proposed way forward will help deliver on the promise of the innovation policy tools . . . There is a large market for this once it more comprehensive."

"So, tough times ahead for workers as banks shore up profits . . . Imagine the reputational boost to a bank forward-thinking enough to boast good efficiency ratios and doing right by its staff."