Federal bank regulators consider roughly a dozen new rules; firms tout tools to help financial institutions bank legal marijuana-related businesses; Mick Mulvaney defends CFPB enforcement powers; and more from this week's most-read stories.
The hard part of reg relief is just getting started

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KeyCorp exec bolts for Toyota

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Banks team with fintechs to bring AI to commercial accounting

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Pot banking regtech is ready for its moment

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CFPB orders TCF to refund consumers for overdraft charges

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In a twist, Mulvaney now defending CFPB enforcement powers

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Synovus returns to large-scale M&A with FCB acquisition

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HSBC's strategy to improve digital services for commercial clients

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With loan growth tepid, banks are short on ways to juice profits

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EBay's Apple, Square pacts could strangle community banks

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