Readers respond to JPMorgan's Twitter gaffe, weigh the role banks should play on issues like climate change, consider the impact of artificial intelligence on fair lending and more.

"They aren't talking about banking because they are going the socialist route in this election. If elected, they will simply take over the industry, among others, if they have their way. That sounds dramatic, even crazy, but listen to what they are saying."

"I believe there is a social contract between financial institutions and with society as a whole. There is nothing more important than inclusive business models that build value for individuals over institutions" via

"'Durbin’s bill would also encourage the creation of alternatives to payday lending...' Good luck with legislating innovation."

"People don't like to be reminded that they are ultimately responsible for their actions and the consequences of those actions. It is much easier to place the blame elsewhere by saying 'you don't pay me enough.'"

"This is another idyllic solution in search of a problem for community banks. The idea that there is some magical and precise formula for predicting loan losses at the point of origination is fanciful thinking. Most loan portfolio characteristics aren't that homogenous and we do a disservice to investors if we facilitate the belief that there is certainty in a function that is by any and all accounts a financial estimate. Good, and thought provoking article."

"And let's not forget the correlation between creditworthiness and the analysis of your DNA that AI will scrape off of or Whatever happened to the 5 Cs of credit?"