Readers react to Sen. Warren's plan to weed out Washington corruption, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's testimony before Congress, restricting the Federal Reserve's proposed real-time payments system and more.
"The main reason former government employees are recruited by the private sector is because they understand the byzantine laws and regulations that govern the particular industry . . . Enough with the scare tactics and that the system is rigged narrative. "
"Isn’t this just swell. Socialists like Sanders and Warren . . . want to either restrict others from leveraging their experience to their financial benefit or, worse, take away from us what wealth we do accumulate via a confiscatory tax."
"Don't believe the hype, lots of holes in the libra story." PERSONTK, via Twitter
"Thank you. Well said!"
"This deregulatory gift is worth $40 billion to Wall Street’s largest banks. The 5 largest U.S. banks alone conduct 90% of domestic derivatives dealing and would benefit the most." Better Markets, via Twitter