Readers react to the FDIC's fine against a bank over a 5-year-old consent order, Regions Financial's about-face on acquisitions, HUD's promotion of a controversial CFPB official and more.
"Five years to remedy a consent order? No wonder another fine is likely. Don't try the FDIC's patience! "
"Don’t do it Regions! You will have to pay a premium, and nobody wants your stock currency in exchange."
"Sheesh, we get it. ... Thought crimes should be codified first if we are demanding that people be prevented from holding down a job."
"I don't understand how targeting taxes on the financial sector makes for medical costs safer and more secure. How about targeting the medical community?"
"Isn’t it true that the members of Adams County CU can currently avail themselves of the services and products of First Bank of Berne?"
"This is a very useful piece. Well done. Great insight from the panelists."