Readers weigh in on Democrats' call for more scrutiny of the BB&T-SunTrust merger, changes to the CFPB's payday lending rule, criticism of Square's ILC application and more.
"Warren and Waters are again spot-on. Can't trust these career regulators to properly vet complex merger transactions. They clearly lack the objectivity of a Liz Warren or the integrity of a Maxine Waters or the keen understanding of economics and business acumen of an AOC. Better to submit such applications to a panel...of disinterested presidential candidates. Better still... a plebiscite. That's it! We'll approve them by plebiscite. Let the people decide."
"A well considered argument that articulates a reasonable view of the proposed BB&T-SunTrust merger; however, the politicians that are posturing as having concerns are not interested in reason. Sound-bytes and a calculated appeal to a perceived anti-bank voter sentiment is likely the real motivation behind the sudden concerns expressed about the proposed merger. The concerns will likely be voiced, only as long as the politicians think a large enough voter population cares."
"Well said. It remains unclear whether the new scale of the merged ST/BBT bank will deliver the efficiencies and technical advances needed to truly compete with the big-four, and the lurking non-bank competitors, but what is clear is that ST and BBT as independent regionals were not going to have the heft to truly compete. Critics are either ignoring the realities of the competitive market, or they're trying to promote themselves using political sound-bytes...."
"Sure payday loans are a bad long-term strategy for the poor...but so are lottery tickets! Which is more useful in putting out fires like an unexpected medical bill or car or home repair?"
"I couldn't be happier with the intent to prohibit. Those two scum bags deserve it. Those are the type of bankers that ruin it for the rest of us."
"Am I missing something? Aren’t ILCs regulated and examined by the FDIC, subject to the same regulations (such as CRA and Regulation O) as banks?"
"I have a lot of respect for Raj, but if he was so concerned about management of the CFPB he wouldn’t have bailed on it as quickly as he did."