Readers weigh in on consumers taking on more debt, President Trump's criticism of the Federal Reserve and Zions CEO Harris Simmons as Banker of the Year:

"In the olden days, lenders made loans that were contingent on paying down credit card and other consumer debt. Now, we don't have time for that nonsense and we'll let the consumers do what's best for their households, even when we know they're using the credit to fuel additional consumption. On Black Friday, almost 3 of 10 shoppers are going into the holiday season still carrying debt from last year's festivities. Can anyone say recipe for disaster?"

"For the smallest financial institutions CECL doesn't have to be a crisis, but it needs to be understood and planned for. Implemented properly it does give the institution the opportunity to be forward looking with their reserves -while the current regime does not. It appears that the biggest problem the industry has in dealing with CECL is the widespread belief that it may "go away", be delayed or so significantly changed that preparing now isn't sensible. Preparation should start now."

"This is simply confirmation that Director Mulvaney is doing an exceptional job."

"Powell is in a tough spot. He was handed a Fed that had been purchasing trillions in GSE MBS thereby artificially propping up the housing market and an economy with rates set dangerously low so much so that there is little room to cut rates when the next downturn occurs. However, a rip the Band-Aid off approach (of raising rates and stopping all new MBS purchases) in a hostile congressional environment may prove to be a pill too bitter to swallow right now. Shock therapy may kill the patient."

"My support chips are all with Chairman Powell. The Presidents comments are disturbing, disrespectful and just plain destructive. It’s getting to the point where the Presidents targeted remarks like this are a badge of honor to the recipient. It shows they are independent thinkers and independent actors."

"Perhaps the equity discussion should start with a close look at the earnings and income games that Fannie Mae, in particular, plays. The GSE's continue to play income and earnings forecast modeling games with the same outcome - an inevitable multi-billion dollar reversal of previous loan loss reserves. Stop robbing the pillars or the mine will collapse!"

"I'm a former regulator who dealt with Mr. Simmons and his staff. I always felt I was dealing with honorable people. Not that other bankers weren't honorable, but Mr. Simmons seemed to be especially so. With this and his other attributes, this accolade is well deserved. Examiners make value judgments about the bankers all the time. It's what tells them what they can trust when a banker tells them something. Mr. Simmons never did anything that made me feel that trust was misplaced."

"It’s rare when the smartest guy in the room is also the most humble and generous. This gives him the latitude to “call it like he sees it.” This recognition is 100% deserved. Congratulations Harris!"

"How totally uninformed. Academia's typical head in the sand conclusion. Any automated underwriting system that does not consider income (verifications of employment), debt burden and age is worthless. The author's assertion that the two GSEs look at only two credit variables: LTV ratio and FICO score is rubbish. Is it so difficult to web search for The Selling guide, Desktop Underwriter or Loan Prospector Documentation Matrix? Fire your Teaching Assistant, professor!"