Readers react to states investigating payroll advance companies and the GOP's weak response to cannabis banking, heed a warning that nonbanks are prepared for CECL and more.

"Why would anyone choose to pay a tip to get their own money . . . I'm glad states are looking into this. Sounds like a payday loan in disguise to me. Or a wolf in sheep's clothing."

"Disappointing but not surprising — congresspersons putting themselves and their re-election ahead of considering the appropriate guardrails to provide a safe and sound way for legal businesses to enter the financial system."

"CECL will exacerbate economic downturns. By how much? That is not known and should be studied. Don't however, expect nonbank lenders to step in, as they tend to flee when markets turn ugly."

"The article makes it clear that CECL could well be very harmful to certain segments of our society, particularly the underserved . . . My experience is that nonbank lenders have difficulty attracting funding when the markets retrench. Bill Isaac, former Chairman of FDIC."

"Low-cost deposits are a myth to cost accounting. Bankers still don’t get it. With rates down, DDA (demand deposit accounts) is worthless as a carrot."

"The consumer activist narrative on payments is not factual . . . An outdated CFPB regulation on top of this regulation would be duplicative and creates disparate impact on non-prime borrowers."

"I don't understand how people feel everyone should make the same amount of money. Life just doesn't work that way. Some people choose to work harder than others and to use the liberals words, it wouldn't be fair if lazy people got paid the same as those that aren't."