Digital banking

Recipients of the 2016 FinTech Forward awards discuss the various factors that are keeping banks from fully embracing the digital world the way startups do.

November 7
Thumbnail for Video: Branches, Costs, Legacy: Things That Hold Banks Back
  • Thumbnail for Video: 'The War on Cryptography Is a War on Online Banking'

    In the conclusion of a three-part interview, Ryan Singer, a blockchain-tech entrepreneur, explains why bankers should care about Washington's resurgent efforts to insert back doors into security systems.

    April 20
  • Thumbnail for Video: Why Banks Need to Be More Like Lasagna

    Banks' core systems are like spaghetti — a mess of noodles. They need to find ways to be more structured,, says Hanspeter Wolf, CEO of onboarding software vendor Appway.

    January 15
  • Thumbnail for Video: Fintechs Are Neighbors, Not Invaders

    Hanspeter Wolf, CEO of onboarding software vendor Appway, on how he defines fintech and what he sees for its future.

    January 8
  • Thumbnail for Video: Web Fraud Banking

    The huge growth of online banking, including mobile, has transformed the industry, bringing tremendous choice, flexibility and convenience to consumers and businesses. But online banking can also be a source of fraud. Watch this video and learn the real risks of web fraud to financial institutions and ways to prevent it.

    January 5
  • Thumbnail for Video: How Branches Can Shift to Digital-First Model

    Todd Barnhart, head of retail banking at PNC Financial Services Group, discusses the conversion of branches to emphasize digital banking and why it's good to teach consumers to better manage their own accounts, even at the expense of fee revenue in the short term.

    May 8
  • Thumbnail for Video: Can Bitcoin's Technology Be Severed from the Currency?

    Jeffrey Robinson, author of the acerbic "BitCon," explains how he squares his admiration for blockchain technology with his contempt for the Bitcoin currency and community in the final part of a conversation with American Banker's Marc Hochstein.

    April 22