For much of the media, the focus has been on the law's biggest measure, a provision that would raise the "systemically important financial institution" threshold for banks to $250 billion from $50 billion. (The law immediately raises it to $100 billion, and regulators will look at the next asset tier over the next 18 months to see if any of those institutions should be considered SIFIs.)
Most of the bill, however, is aimed not at helping those large regional banks, but banks and credit unions with less than $10 billion of assets. Those provisions, which are far less controversial, have received much less press. But they may total up to a big impact for community banks.
“This hard-fought, long-awaited community bank regulatory relief legislation will put community banks in an enhanced position to foster local economic growth and prosperity,” said Rebeca Romero Rainey, president of the Independent Community Bankers of America. “By unraveling some of the suffocating regulatory burdens community banks face, they are better able to unleash their full economic potential to the benefit of their customers and communities.”
From tackling qualified mortgages to MBLs, the NCUA budget, elder abuse and more, there are several measures of the law that may make a sizable difference. Following is a look at some of the provisions of the new law that will help credit unions and small banks.
Under the law, certain mortgages originated and retained in portfolio by institutions with less than $10 billion of assets will be deemed QMs. The law has some restrictions in it, but it would effectively mean that most mortgages made by smaller institutions would face less legal liability if they are challenged in court later.
NCUA budget
Cybersecurity study
New exam schedule
Shortened call report
The revised call report can be used in the first and third quarters by well-rated community banks below that $5 billion level.
This is another issue credit unions are keeping an eye on as NCUA is currently studying ways to update and streamline its call report system.
HMDA exemption
This provision has been the subject of controversy since the left argues it will make it harder to detect discrimination at banks while the right argues it posed a significant burden on small banks. In effect, it will exempt roughly 85% of banks from the new mortgage disclosure requirements, but at the same time it will not impact the vast majority of the mortgage market, given that most mortgages are made by larger institutions and nonbanks.
Escrow exemption, appraisal easing and waiting period
It also eases appraisal requirements in rural areas where appraisers are harder to find.
Additionally, the law removes the three-day waiting period for the combined TILA/RESPA mortgage disclosures if a lender makes a second offer of credit with a lower rate.