A brewing battle
But the battle extends well beyond this country, and elsewhere, credit unions haven’t been so fortunate. From Canada to Eastern Europe to Australia, the credit union movement’s tax exemption has been under fire.
In some cases, credit unions have lost. In others, the fight continues — and in still others, the tax exemption never existed in the first place. Still, according to the World Council of Credit Unions, roughly 70% of the world’s credit unions do not pay corporate income taxes.
Following is a look at how different parts of the world have handled the credit union tax exemption:

“The Australian credit unions and other mutual depository institutions, such as mutual banks and building societies, have not grown very much in recent years in large part because it is difficult to build retained earnings when the institution has to pay taxes with its earnings rather than retain them,” said Michael S. Edwards, vice president of advocacy and general counsel for the World Council of Credit Unions, the industry’s international trade association, based in Madison, Wis.

But he added that some small credit unions are eligible for what is referred to as the “small business deduction” and therefore pay a lower tax rate.


United Kingdom
“They get a significant benefit from mutual trading tax exemptions which mean that their business done with members is tax exempt, so the income they receive from interest on lending to members" — their primary source of income — "goes untaxed. On the other hand, they do pay corporation tax on interest income received from investments" (deposits with banks, for instance).
Interestingly, they do have one notable tax disadvantage: they are subject to the Value Added Tax (VAT) on certain purchases but cannot reclaim VAT paid in the way that other companies do, Bland said.
“Overall, we believe that the tax settlement for UK credit unions presents a positive balance which should incentivize credit unions to maximize their member lending activities and, where this happens, provides a significant benefit to offset their less favorable treatment in respect of investment income and VAT,” he said.

Republic of Ireland

Still, as U.S. credit unions have been known to point out, members do pay taxes on their total income, including interest on their credit union accounts.


Credit unions here also pay a payroll tax. "In Eastern Europe, I believe that they had to pay corporate income tax since the fall of communism or not long after,” said Michael S. Edwards, vice president for advocacy and general counsel at the council. "In those jurisdictions, they often only extend tax-exempt status to charities."

Republic of Macedonia






United States
The fight has occasionally broken out at the state level, as well, most recently in Iowa. Credit unions in states with suffering budgets that have them contemplating tax reforms are keeping a close eye on it.