Lawmakers won’t officially reconvene until after the election, but there are already indications about what legislation could be a priority for the financial services sector in the waning days of this congressional session.
House lawmakers last week
The National Credit Union Administration has already proposed a rule that would permit federal credit unions to exclude PPP loans (and any future loans made through similar programs) from their total asset calculations, along with amending the period credit union use for calculating those assets. Comments to that proposal are due at the end of this week.
NCUA also announced late last week that on Wednesday the agency will hold an unplanned board meeting. As usual, the meeting will be split into an open and closed portion, with the board discussing an interagency rule on supervisory guidance during the open session and a pair of personnel matters in the closed session.
Lastly, with the general election just one week away, the much-anticipated event is having a trickle-down impact on credit unions. One Michigan credit union’s attempt to help get voters to the polls has been