Rick Pillow, president of the Virginia Credit Union League, has announced his plans to retire in June after more than 40 years in the credit union movement and over two decades leading VACUL.

The league said it will begin discussing the succession process in the coming weeks.
“I’ve been honored to serve Virginia’s credit union system in one capacity or another for 42 years come next June,” Pillow said in a press release. “What a privilege it’s been to have known and to have worked with so many wonderful people over those four decades, and I’m grateful and humbled by the difference they made in my life on both a personal and professional level.”
Among the highlights of Pillow’s tenure as president were the establishment of Credit Union House in Richmond to serve as a lobbying and operations hub for the industry, launching the league’s charitable foundation and creating TRGroup, which brings together multiple leagues to offer various products, services and professional development outlets for hundreds of credit unions.
He has also served on the boards of the Credit Union National Association and the American Association of Credit Union leagues, among other organizations.
“Anyone who has worked with Rick knows his passion for credit unions,” said Patsy Stuard, CEO of Fort Lee Federal Credit Union and chairman of the league’s board of directors. “His leadership and vision helped us position the League as the voice, champion and premier resource for Virginia’s credit unions. Rick’s guidance, his knowledge of the system, and his enthusiasm will be missed, but he leaves a legacy of contribution and accomplishment that helped forge the League into the strong, stable, mission-focused organization it is today.”