Michael Kloiber will retire as president and CEO of Tinker Federal Credit Union in Oklahoma City at the end of August.
The $5.7 billion-asset institution said last week that David Willis, its co-president and chief operating officer, has been selected as Kloiber’s successor and will take the helm next month.
Kloiber worked at Tinker FCU, the largest credit union in Oklahoma by assets, for 33 years, including 25 as its CEO.
“I have had the privilege to work with Mike Kloiber his entire career as President/CEO. During that time, Mike has led TFCU to an amazing level of success, and he has been an inspiration to all of us with his leadership and professionalism,” Sheila Jones, chairperson at Tinker, said in a press release.
Under Kloiber, TFCU’s membership has grown from 155,000 in 1995 to nearly 420,000 by the end of 2020.
Kloiber and his wife, Pam, created a program to partner first-term enlisted service members stationed at nearby Tinker Air Force Base with mentoring host families to give them a safe and stress-free family environment. In the past eight years, the program has placed 1,026 service members and currently has 71 host families.
“Together, we have taken TFCU to the highest of heights, and I believe that the best years are yet to come,” Kloiber said in the release. “Longevity plus premium service are the keys to our future success.”