Longtime Georgia league CEO moves up retirement date

Mike Mercer, the longtime CEO of Georgia Credit Union Affiliates, has announced his intention to retire at the end of this year.

Mercer, who first joined the Georiga league in 1984, most recently oversaw GCUA’s merger with the League of Southeastern Credit Unions, which serves CUs in Florida and Alabama. According to Tina Williams, LSCU board chair and CEO of Mobile Educators Credit Union, Mercer had originally planned to stay on for three to five years before retiring, but subsequently requested an early retirement.

Mike Mercer, Georgia Credit Union Affiliates

Mercer and LSCU CEO Patrick La Pine had planned to share chief executive duties once the merger took effect in January. Instead, La Pine will transition to CEO but Mercer will remain with the league as a consultant and will assist with membership relations through 2020.

“My decision to retire was one I weighed very carefully, and I am confident in Patrick’s leadership and vision for the future of the organization,” Mercer said in a statement.

“I want to thank Mike for his long and distinguished service to Georgia credit unions and the entire credit union movement,” La Pine said.

According to LSCU officials, the leagues’ consolidation is already bringing increased value to credit unions. Board Chair-Elect Brian Akin said in a release that the deal has increased efficiencies, along with improving operations thanks to Mercer and La Pine’s leadership and collaboration over the course of the last 20 months.

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